Steam Stop Valves type AVD
Valves of this type prevent th flow of fluids in a pipe. The name variies between stop valve, shut-off valve or isolating valve. This type of valve has an opening that forms a seat onto which a movable plug (often called disc) can be screwed in to close (or shut) the valve. Typically, automated valves use threaded stems and and are opened and closed by an actuator assembly.
Water Stop Valves type AVW
Valves of this type prevent th flow of fluids in a pipe. The name variies between stop valve, shut-off valve or isolating valve. This type of valve has an opening that forms a seat onto which a movable plug (often called disc) can be screwed in to close (or shut) the valve. Typically, automated valves use threaded stems and and are opened and closed by an actuator assembly.
Spraywater Stop Valves type ASV
Valve of these series do a shut-off of injection water, which is used for superheated steam temperature control, to downstream valves. Spraywater stop valves have much faster closing times compared to gate valves.